Thursday, May 22, 2008

article for week of 5/19/08

I am back home...and writing is going to pick up soon. Just this morning I did about 5 emails for articles, interviews, etc. that must get done. This week though, not only do I have an interview to share, but a contest to win something.....'tor'cha' - a novel about the hood from author, Todd Craig. It also comes with a soundtrack! Check out the interview and how you can win...Peace!
GeoClan interview and contest with author, Todd Craig:

Friday, May 09, 2008

writing for week of 5/5/08

*Picture Courtesy of

I only wrote one thing last week. I had a bunch of side projects to get done, and then I go on vacation, so this will be a little lacking with only 1 or 2 articles for the next 2 or so weeks, but trust that it will pick up. I've made a goal to finally put my portfolio together with all my articles. Trying to make this a serious side hustle...Anyway, this week I wrote about a program in West Philadelphia called the Music and Mentorship Program. They fill in where the formal education system fails, as far as music education. I also went to this benefit and it was awesome...little colored girls dancing, singing, composing, playing instruments....does it get any better? Enjoy, Deesha

Philly For Philly, Philadelphia Citypaper, 5/1/08: (scroll down)