Wednesday, June 21, 2006


today is the first day of summer...the solstice i think it what it is called.

i'm currently listening to the new york jamiroquai 2005 gig. good times, good times.

but my song of the day is dj spinna and n'dea davenport - where's your love? it's so dope. to listen to it, go here: and scroll to the bottom and you will see the song listed. click on it and that launches the jukebox...the song just goes with summer. kind of like 'why don't we fall in love' by amerie 2 years ago, or was it 3?

anyway, i'm feeling a bit ehhh at the moment. at work - it's quiet, everyone is at a conference that i didn't have to go to! but thinking about independence and people and getting back what you put in to either a situation or a person. not expecting anything back, but respect, but when you don't get that respect...ahhhh, you get pissed off. and no, i'm not talking about love relationships. they are so unimportant in the game of life. actually overrated to me. the relationship you have with yourself is far more important.

but i remembered why it is that i don't really ask anyone for anything at anytime unless i really, really need it. because it's easier to just do things myself. really it is. and i learn. i am very blessed that i know how to survive on my own - you know. i don't need to ask anyone for anything really and that feels good, really good. it's a blessing and a curse i suppose. i actually have some type of sympathy for those that depend on others financially, emotionally or whatever. well, the financial part is tricky - if you need help, you need help and that's okay. i'm speaking of depending on someone to buy you things and keep food in your mouth. not speaking of married couples and such, but more of people who are just lazy. well, the emotional part is hard to escape, but i beat into the girls (students) heads that they need to take back the power of having someone else direct their emotions. or stop the power from being overturned. as i type this 'so good to be real' by jamiroquai is on my radio. they should have made this a whole song.

this is way to deep for a freakin blog!!'s something to lighten the mood - i put garbage down the garbage disposal forgetting that it's not working..ewwwww!!!! i had to dig it all out with a spoon. so not sexy!

okay, next post will be about drumming with sola, i have to get back to the lovely department of finance and accounting!

peggy just brought me up a big bag with a big D on it. it's cloth..i love it. gift from her and her daughter. it's very cute...see, sometimes i love this job.

back to it...xo

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