Tuesday, July 11, 2006


I don't think anyone really follows these ramblings anyway, and I'm not the type to spill guts in a blog anyway. The internet isn't as big as people think! I originally re-opened this blog to track my Europe trip and it was great to share that with you. There is so much I didn't share, and it's not because I didn't want to, I just got lazy with words and it all happened so fast. I sent an email to most of you with photos documenting the trip, so that was your photojournal per say.

But I realized that I don't have a place where all my writings can be read. Oh wait now..I'm not going back in the archives and posting all those articles, but from here on out, I will use this space to post them up. Some may be interesting..some may not be..but hey....I want to share them with you!

I'll do it weekly, so at the end of this week expect the first batch of my creations. They won't be long. Some will be reviews, some interviews, some event write ups, blah, blah, blah...just enjoy!

Oh damn, this means I have to change the description of the blog! :)

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