Wednesday, April 04, 2007

*Links for April 2nd*

It's been a *trying* 2 weeks, so I haven't had the chance to update this really. I am just really trying to balance my life. Trying to figure out a way to do what I love without getting hurt in the process. Trying to really listen more, talk less. Just trying...all is good though.

This week I have 3 links. 2 Wordplays that I did for - 1 is the founder behind the site, Justin and the other is MC, Viro the Virus. He is such a sweetheart. The other link is Verso's album release party. He's another MC and really dope actually, so the write up was easy. I was hoping for a picture, but I'm just happy its in there (thanks editor Pat). I did an Amy Winehouse review for Giant Step, but I honestly can't find the link - eh...I'll post it up when Geoclan puts it up or something. Reviews don't seem to come to me naturally. Not saying everything else does, but I need to rethink doing reviews...Anyway....Enjoy, Deesha

Philadelphia Citypaper, Verso album release party, 4/4/07:, Wordplay with Viro the Virus, 4/2/07, Wordplay with Justin, 3/27/07


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