Friday, June 15, 2007

* music blog - one week old, still no name*


The first edition of the music reviews seem to be quite a hit with people...well, the people that say they read it and dig it so far. I don't have a name yet - any suggestions? I need you all to comment to, so the blog appears to be as popular as my little mind thinks it is! I'm still exhausted from DC, but I want to be consistent about this, so here goes.

Next week I am going to do a entire 'European White Boy Phenomenom'. I should just get it over with. For some reason, they are catching me a bit, and I mean like 10 or so of them. But for this week..check out the following:

Album: Play With the Changes by 4Hero, Genre: Soulful House/Dance

I love, love, love, love this album. I actually didn't expect to dig it so much, but as soon as I heard 'Look Inside', I knew immediately that I would be playing this track over and over again. It's rare that you get the combination of lyrics and music perfectly and I think with every single track, the boys (or men...) of 4Hero have done it. Also gotta give props to Philly homegirl, Lady Alma, as she teams up with the duo again (I first heard her with them on Vikter Duplaix's album on song 'Hold It Down') for 'Sink or Swim'. I feel like this can easily become my soundtrack for 2007. My moods are best described by music and this albums inspires me to dance and express everything I feel. I love 4hero, I really do. They've even made my top friends on My Space..yeah, like that means much! But seriously, give them a try. One reason why I wished I lived overseas...I'd get to see them DJ. Listen here:

Alice Russell, Genre: Soul

Notice that I didn't put an individual song or album and that's because I dig a few of Ms.Russell's tracks from her last 2 albums. First, let me talk about the picture of her and I above. It was taken at the Black Lily film festival closing concert, where she performed. Jill Scott (met before), Amy Winehouse (wouldn't have been coherent - ha) and some others were there, but it was Alice that I wanted to meet. I am happy that not as many people knew her as much as I did, so I got this picture. I know I look a mess, but whatever! Her voice is so powerful. Matter of fact, when I first heard it, I was like, 'damn...she don't need a microphone', but then I got into it pretty heavy. Starting with the Natural Self collaboration, 'I Don't Need This Trouble' (must listen), and then moving on to the White Stripes cover of 'Seven Nation Army' (great theme for fighting some personal battles), and then on to 'Somebody's Gonna Love You'. Her voice and vibe is just ill. I mean, she has this old school sound, and it helps a lot that she picks complimentary people to collab with like the Quantic Soul Orchestra. I'm saying...girl is nice! Listen here: (#7 first) or

Album: I Am by Chrisette Michelle, Genre: R&B

Okay, so let me be the first to admit that I wasn't immediately impressed by Chrisette Michelle. She's a beautiful young woman, but I thought to myself..okay, here we go - 'another female singer daring to be different, but really sounding the same'. Then I got her song, 'Your Joy' free on Itunes and started to change my mind, but not completely. Then I got her CD sampler and read a bit about her and I did a 360, well 300. She has a beautiful voice, and this mellow CD is a perfect fit for relaxing. It is pretty innocent and she has potential to be a contender in the future of R&B. My only issue is that it's a little too mellow. I couldn't possibly play this on the way out to dance or if I wanted to cheer up. So, maybe she could have included a bit more upbeat songs, but the young sis' is doing her thing and staying true to herself, so who am I to ask her to do any different? Exactly! Listen here:

Song: Just Let It Happen by Rob Harris, Genre: Dance

This is on its third rotation as my My Space Profile song. That is how much I feel it. Crippled by the fact that you can't get the song anywhere, so your only choice is going on Rob's My Space and refreshing the page. Damn, that's annoying! Anyway, I know some of you are wondering who Rob Harris is and umm, duh - he's the guitarist for Jamiroquai! How could you not know that? I kid. I look so bad in my picture with him, that I had to steal this one from his My Space. Anyway, I have no clue who is the voice on this with him, but the vibe just feels right and the message is bold, 'Just Let It Happen'. Although it is relating to love, I kind of point it to everything in my life. Immediately upon hearing it I imagine myself in the club on top of one of those box things that teeter me above everyone else and somehow I'm lip singing to this. I don't know where that vision comes from, but it just does. I think it's the freedom I feel while listening. There is a saxaphone feature a bit into it that gives it a nice jazz, Havana type feel. Not that I've been to Cuba, but as the music fades out towards the end, I sure do feel like it. To listen, go to my My Space: If the song isn't that, then go check out my friend (...that's what I call him..ha) Rob's My Space and click on the song:

Song: "How Glad I Am" by the Greyboy Allstars, Genre: Funk, Jazz
I have my Giant Step trading crew buddy DJ Veggie to thank for this, as he put it on one of the compilations he gave to me. Upon further investigation, I realized that this group had been out for a long time. Where the hell was I? Under a rock? I love my Giant Step family of fans, but anyway....this song has this 70's type breakin' feel, as in I want to bust out the Rerun dance move when I hear it, but it also has a hint of the hippie chic type vibe to it. What is most important to notice about it is the impeccable instrumentation. The vocals take a backseat to them. I hear a bit of West Coast flavor in this track also. I know they would be amazing live,and my dad would dig them also. Listening to this is like travelling back in a the machine where jazz and funk didn't sound like pop and easy listening. Get down with the song here:

Okay, that's it. I'm exhausted and have a long day tomorrow. Thanks for checking this out. Comment and let me know what you think. xo

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