Sunday, July 02, 2006


Why are people up at 6am? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY on a night I didn't take any Tylenol PM!

I was awoken by lots of people walking down the street. They sounded like something was wrong, so of course I get up and look to see if something was really wrong. They sounded like young girls, but I heard and saw nothing when I got up.

Until about 5 minutes later. I heard someone say, 'I can't believe this is happening at 6 in the morning'. I have no clue what happened, but I wish that lady would go to bed, as she is currently making too much noise outside.

Police cars everywhere and an ambulance. Which means EVERYBODY in the neighborhood is woken up and goes outside to see whats happening. So by this time, there is commotion in the street from the authorities, plus everyone half awake in pajamas speculating what's going on. I didn't go out there, because I was to lazy to put on proper clothes.

The police are gone, but now everyone is kind of awake. Just right now, some lady yelled down the street to another lady. I'm's ass early, go back to bed people please!

I love living where I live, and would never change city for suburban life, but damn..this 6am shit is ridiculous. And of course you don't want to tell the people to quiet down, then everyone on the block hates you. Oh, I'll shut up and stop complaining. In a way it is kind of nice to know these peole are so nosy. That way if something happens around here and to my house, I'll know that someone will let me know. I feel safe - It is a beautiful Sunday, I got a lovely email this morning and it's alright now...and I took my scarf off to see my hair and it is beautiful still - I got it done yesterday and you know how sleeping is a test. You wake up the next morning and rush to see if it still looks good - I passed the test.

Going back to bed now....

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