Thursday, February 22, 2007

Links for week of 2/19

I am exhausted today - had to be to work at 645am! But, it's Thursday and that is my favorite TV night, so I'll be vegging out. I had a great time teaching last night. Teaching dance to adults isn't as hard as I thought it would be :). Anyway, while my boss is in the meeting still, I have some person work to sneak in, so I will hurry this up. Only one thing this week at that is the legendary DJ Scratch at Fluid. I want to go, but you know I get tired when it's time to get dressed. I'm getting old! Next week I have 2 concerts, which means 2 reviews and the music issue for Citypaper is coming up and I'll get to write about a local MC that works his ass off, so I'm excited. Anyway....

Philadelphia Citypaper, DJ Scratch and DJ Ultraviolet:

And look, there is a Jamiroquai toothbrush out. CRAZINESS:

And while I'm on the Jamiroquai topic, my fellow fan, Jonas from Sweden won a day racing with Jay and going to the March 7th concert - damn him! I can't really think of anyone else that is more deserving. He's a devoted fan who has put so much money into the band since 1993 and is such a good dad and husband. Have fun Jonas!

Until next time, Deesh

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Lookie Here - Links for 2/12/07

Work has been uber busy this week, so I have to keep this short.

Lily Allen impressed me with her concert. I wasn't too impressed with her attitude or her album, but I was proved a little wrong. I wouldn't go see her on my own, but I really had a wonderful time. She's so cute with her dancing. The pictures aren't good because we were on the side and up a bit, but it was a great spot. Thank you Chena for taking me! The other write up is small. Dope party which I will be attending this weekend - dancing all night to the sounds of 9th Wonder!

Until next week, Deesha

Lily Allen Review, Giant Step, 2/12/07 -
Lily Allen Pictures:

The Brown Sugar Party, Philadelphia Citypaper, 2/15/07 -

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Writing Links for 2/5/07

...I have to rush this blog today because I came in to work early to get things done and I only have a few minutes, so here goes. I am a bit sore from teaching dance last night and I don't know why..anyway - This week I had 2 writings in the lovely Citypaper. One on Lily Allen and her Monday show and the other on a local hip-hop show. The Lily Allen one was a bit tough, because to tell you the truth - I think she tries too hard to be tough, when all that is unnecessary. But, I wrote it anyway. Then the local hip-hop show changed venues at the last minute because the original venue (5 spot) burned down. That almost didn't make it in the paper with the change, but it did.

Next, I need to pay a bit of respect to the people that have directly landed me in this writing spot:
Funk Wizard Snow from PhillyHipHop. com...I had my first articles there in 2001 or was it 2002? Thank you Snow!

Next is Aine' Doley or Applez to many of you. She and I were just fellow writers, not really friends, but when she left the Citypaper she let me know to go for the job and get paid for writing. That was about 2 years ago and I'm still at Citypaper. Thanks Aine!

Next is Adam from Giant Step - When I opened my mouth about the Jamiroquai promotion, he approached me real calm on the side about doing some writing at Giant Step. Down the road, Michael, Mehmet and Maurice have all given me that opporturnity to keep it going. Thank you all!

There are more, but those are the basic 3 for right now. Respect.


Philadelphia Citypaper, Lily Allen, 2/8/07 (Note the Jay Kay reference...Long story of how that got in there)

Philadelphia Citypaper, Class of 1997 Hip-Hop Reunion, 2/8/07 (Awesome picture of Hezekiah):

Until next week..xo

PS. Does anyone even read this? hahaha :)

Thursday, February 01, 2007

1/29/07 Writing Links

...since I had the health issue the past week, I only wrote one thing and it was short. I have a few coming up in the next couple of weeks, but can only handle 1-2 a week anyway.
Sidenote: I just entered this competition to win tickets to go see Jamiroquai perform at the end of February/early March either on the 'Gig In The Sky' plane or in Athens, Greece. With what money? And after Lovebox this summer and my fall 2005 Jamiroquai overdose, I don't think my boss will go for me going again. Ahhh well, a girl can dream!

Philadelphia Citypaper - Bodyrock 2/1/07: