Thursday, April 17, 2008

writing for week of 4/14/08

Hello - Let me keep this quick. In the past week or so, a lot has happened. Maia and I have started to brainstorm for an event we are putting together for girls in 2009 (more later), C and I have decided to go to Amsterdam (couldn't pass up the cheap flight), I got to see Reef perform (he is phenomenal - check him out at, register for summer classes (thanks C) and I got to sit in on the CNN Compassion Forum at Messiah college with Clinton and Obama..and I met Obama and had a brief cameo on TV...REAL BRIEF! Oh, I wrote 2 being about the Prader-Willi benefit fundraiser and another on the Philly Hip-Hop Awards..enjoy the write ups and my CNN cameo!

Philadelphia Citypaper, Philly Hip-Hop Awards, 4/17/08:, Prader-Willi Dash, 4/2008:

Me on CNN briefly at Compassion Forum. You have to sit through the commercial in the beginning and then it'll go to Obama and I am around the 1:25 second mark..look to your left in red and grey striped shirt..ha:

1 comment:

ROBERT said...

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I would like invite you to read some of my posts about my current views..
Thank you.