Saturday, June 17, 2006

say what?

this will be brief, but my landlord came in yesterday with the painter to my old place and they were talking about painting the walls. i was confused because i'm moving this week afte he told me he was demo'ing this place. and i was crushed..i love my apartment.

well, i said 'well, why would you paint the walls if you are knocking it all down?' do you know what this MF said to me? 'oh i decided not to do that. just paint walls and replace appliances and re-rent it at a little higher rent. WHAT?

so basically i could have stayed here. moved for a month while he did that and then moved back and the price of rent is still going to be cheaper than where i'm moving. he's lucky that i didn't punch him dead in the face...

i can't wait to buy my house next year!

anyway, that was a brief interruption in the blog...more on my european trip this week...

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